Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ipad & air hockey

In the past couple of weeks I've had 2 distinct conversations with Bronson.  They were short, but it was a two way conversation...which is HUGE! I went out on a limb a few times and asked Bronson open ended questions, instead of our usual yes and no responses.

The first one happened after his summer school session.  We were sitting on the couch and I said, "Bronson did you have fun at school today?"  He smiles and proudly yells, "YES!"  I then step out on my limb..."Bronson what did you do at school today?"  He says "I play with ipad!"  I was so shocked and excited!  I said, "You played with ipad at school?!"  He was equally as shocked and excited that I understood him, and he repeated..."Yes! I played ipad at school!"  We repeated this over and over.  It brought tears to my eyes, how communication was being bridged.

Today as we were leaving the YMCA, I asked Bronson, "Bronson what did you do at the Y?"  He says, "I play air hockey!"  WOW.  I couldn't believe it.  I responded to him, as we walked back to our car,..."Oh wow, that sounds like a lot of fun!" 

To most, these conversations are common place.  But for us, this is a huge accomplishment and an excitement, that I am having a CONVERSATION with my son.  A dialogue back and forth, that so many take for granted, but oh what a beautiful thing.


  1. How wonderful Diana! I love reading your blog, especially when you write about Bronson. I can totally "hear" your heart when you write about him and about being his mama. He is so blessed to have you. And you're right, it's so easy to take those things for granted...thank you for reminding me today what a blessing it is to converse with my kids.

  2. wow, this made me cry. I'm so happy for such wonderful progress!! so happy for you and your family!

  3. Aww yay!!! I'm so happy for you and Bronson! He is growing so fast
