Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Firemen & E.T.

So I was heading into work tonight, I'm walking up the sidewalk and I hear sirens blaring all around.  I was like, well, they did say St. Louis was one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S.  Then my mind goes to imagining me walking in downtown New York to work, and how I would hear sirens all the time.  I walk up the steps to our building and notice the "Romano's Macaroni Grill" sign was blinking and parts of the letters were out.  I was thinking to myself...couldn't they fix that?  I mean it looks like an 'Alice's Diner' or something...way tacky.  These questions would soon be answered. 

I walk in, and then turn around because the sirens are getting louder.  Two big fire trucks pull in the parking lot....and firemen follow me in the building. Smoke is in the air and lights are flickering and buzzing.  I walk toward the back, and it's dark back there and then this man in a suit with a huge helmet is right in my face.  I yell out, whoa!  (Memories of E.T. come to mind at this time...the man in the tubes...remember?) 

They had to start evacuating the building, and boxing up food to clear the whole restaurant.  I obviously left.  I didn't get my first table, so there was no clean up for me...good bye.  I wish I could tell you what caused the electrical issue...but I have no idea.  Oh well.  Thanks for the entertainment Mac Grill!  But, no thanks for the no-money night.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

ice, snow, and sunshine

Merry Christmas!  I hope everyone had a great one.  We did.  We started out our Christmas celebration about 1 1/2 weeks ago leaving for Florida.  The night before we had to travel I managed to slip on ice leaving the restaurant I work at.  His my head on the pavement and just laid there knowing I was about to see Jesus walk around the corner...for sure I was dead.  But, no, just stars...not dead, just mostly dead. (princess bride lovers?)  I went and got x-rays and looked at by a chiropractor in Tallahassee and all is well as far as emergencies go...just really bad whip lash.

Florida was great!  It was so fun to visit with family and let the boys play with their "uncles".  We had my mom and dad's Christmas on Saturday night, and Meme's Christmas on Sunday.  Monday-Wednesday we just hung out and had some play dates scheduled as well.  I liked staying up and drinking coffee with my parents and Brian after the kids were in bed, so we could chat and laugh.  Jason and I got together 3 times to practice our songs and we recorded a rough draft of all the ones we have so far.  Getting really excited about the future of our pop country duo!

After a long trip home we finally made it back to St. Louis.  I went to work on Christmas Eve, and it wasn't bad at all.  I didn't have to close, and people were in the giving spirit, so my tips were great!  After SLOWLY walking to my car, I made it home, and began setting out the Santa gifts for the boys.  I had already wrapped everything before we left for our trip for FL, so it was just a matter of setting everything out. 

Christmas morning, and day for that matter, was great.  We all stayed in our pjs the whole day, played with Santa toys, watched new movies, and made 2 pots of coffee. Brock said, "Santa is so Awesome!"  It was a great Christmas this year.  Brian and I didn't get each other anything for Christmas this year.  We used our money getting our cars fixed, and traveling, and gifts for the boys & others.  You know what?  I didn't miss a thing.  It was a GREAT Christmas.  I love seeing Christmas through their eyes, and just being with family.  Merry Christmas again, everyone!  Thank you God for sending your son Jesus so that we may have Life, and one day be with You!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Excited

We leave on Thursday to make the long drive to Florida, and I am so excited!  We have so much stuff planned, yet a lot of down time as well.  It's going to make for a great vacation.  Mom is all excited about our guest room, and I'm excited to see it.  She has a bed set up for Brian and I, and a bed for the boys to share in our room to.  It has our own bathroom with shower and t.v/cable/dvd set up.  We'll be set.  Although, I'm sure we won't be spending a lot of time in there!  We're looking forward to spending time with family.  I have 2 combo play dates set up, with 2 moms at each play date with their kids.  And Jason and I are going to be getting together twice to start practicing our music that we've been writing.  I'm really excited about that.  Brian is going to be visiting some chiropractors to start thinking of business ideas.  He'll be graduated before you know it.  Saturday we have family picutres, and then I'll go see my Papa, have lunch with my bestie-cousin Alison, and then that night is our family Christmas.  The next day on Sunday, we have Meme's Christmas.  Talk about a fun tradition!  Needless to say, there will be lots of laughing, dancing, goofing off, wrestling with kids, coffee, and having FUN.  I'm excited.  FLORIDA BOUND!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sick with 2 tornadoes

Getting sick is terrible.  Getting sick with a 4 year old and a 2 year old underfoot, and husband is in the middle of finals, so is MIA, is more terrible.  Started last night when I was at work, my back started hurting, by the time I got home every muscle in my body was aching...down to my fingers and toes.  I had a fever as well.  I'd like to think b/c I've gone through labor twice, no pain can touch that, and I'm a pretty tough girl, so sickness shouldn't bother me, right?  Yeah, I cried myself to sleep.  Probably a combination of not knowing what's wrong, feeling sorry for myself, mad that I'm sick, and just plain not feeling well. Tossed and turned all night, woke up the next morning and called the Dr. 

They told me to come in as soon as I could.  This was the one morning that Bronson decided he wanted to sleep past 9am, of course I had to encourage him to wake up so we could go.  I go to the Dr. , and the boys were good, as good to be expected with a 4 and 2 year old trapped in a small room with lots of drawers to open, switches to turn on, and computer buttons to stay away from.  After many, "Brock leave him alone", "Bronson don't touch that", "Brock, I'm not going to tell you again", "No, no Bronson don't open the door",....the Dr. finally graced us with his presence.  Turns out there really isn't an explanation on why I felt the way I did...start of a flu maybe, but overall just a viral issue.  The Dr. said, "Get as much rest as possible"...then he looks down at the boys, smiles at me and says, "easier said than done, I know".  "Take Tylenol, and Motrin for the muscle aches". 

We get back home, and I set some food out on the table for the boys, gave them their cups of chocolate milk, turned on PBS kids, and I went to bed.  You might think I'm a horrible mom for doing this....I had no other option.  I thought I was dying.  I don't know how we did it, but we made it until 5pm when Brian finally got home with 2 big bottles of Tylenol and Motrin.  He took the kids to the Y, then fed them, bathed them, and put them to bed.  I drank water like it was going out of style, and ate pretzel sticks during the day.  After resting some more, I woke up and finally felt relief. 

People were praying for me, I know.  So, with a combination of prayers, water, pretzels, rest, and some medicine,...I now feel functional.  Thank you Lord!  I don't have time to be sick... my list is pretty long of what all I need to do before Christmas vacation.  But the first on the list today was to , GET WELL.  Signing off for now, Cyber Space.  Until we meet again.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My First Blog

Well, I decided to give this "blog" thing a shot.  Sometimes it's nice just to write down your thoughts in cyber-space and see what happens.  I chose the website name, "alwaysdreaming4us", because I've always had a tendency to dream about the future.  When I was little I would dream about getting married and starting a family someday.  Now I dream about our future as a family...where will we live, how will we live, what will my boys grow up to be?  I realize that I can't focus too much on the future because you miss the present day you're living in.  God is teaching me in different ways to concentrate where I am.  It's good to have dreams and goals, but it's equally as important to be content and happy. 

I guess there are no "rules" in blogging...are there?  So, some will be short and some will be longer.  No real subject streamline theme...just whatever pops in this crazy brain.  Hey, this is a great way for "someone" to listen, right? :-)  Signing off for now cyber space.  Until we meet again.