Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Excited

We leave on Thursday to make the long drive to Florida, and I am so excited!  We have so much stuff planned, yet a lot of down time as well.  It's going to make for a great vacation.  Mom is all excited about our guest room, and I'm excited to see it.  She has a bed set up for Brian and I, and a bed for the boys to share in our room to.  It has our own bathroom with shower and t.v/cable/dvd set up.  We'll be set.  Although, I'm sure we won't be spending a lot of time in there!  We're looking forward to spending time with family.  I have 2 combo play dates set up, with 2 moms at each play date with their kids.  And Jason and I are going to be getting together twice to start practicing our music that we've been writing.  I'm really excited about that.  Brian is going to be visiting some chiropractors to start thinking of business ideas.  He'll be graduated before you know it.  Saturday we have family picutres, and then I'll go see my Papa, have lunch with my bestie-cousin Alison, and then that night is our family Christmas.  The next day on Sunday, we have Meme's Christmas.  Talk about a fun tradition!  Needless to say, there will be lots of laughing, dancing, goofing off, wrestling with kids, coffee, and having FUN.  I'm excited.  FLORIDA BOUND!

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